The latest batch of flight deals from Alaska Airlines includes some excellent deals for winter travel. Travel dates may vary slightly by route, so check our fare details for more info.

Seats are limited and may not be available on all flights or all days. Some markets may not operate daily service.

Tickets must be booked by 11:59pm, January 30.

Fares include:

Oakland to Portland $131 round-trip

Oakland to Lihue $417 round-trip

Portland to San Francisco $177 round-trip

Omaha to Portland $212 round-trip

Omaha to Seattle $212 round-trip

Boise to Salt Lake City $132 round-trip

Portland to Missoula $177 round-trip

Seattle to Great Falls $217 round-trip

Palm Springs to San Francisco $157 round-trip

Palm Springs to Seattle $221 round-trip

Boise to San Jose $182 round-trip

Seattle to Billings $215 round-trip

All products and services mentioned on Airfarewatchdog are independently selected by our team of expert travelers. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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