Airline | Cancellation within |
How to cancel
Notes Airtran 4 hours
by phone
voucher for future travel
American Not available
24 hour hold
Continental 24 hours
see 24 hour cancel policy
Delta You may cancel and refund your ticket in full until midnight, one day after the reservation is made. For example, a ticket for travel originating in the United States purchased anytime on Monday can be cancelled and refunded until midnight on Tuesday. If the reservation is made on the date of travel, you may cancel and refund your paid ticket in full until midnight that day. by phone or online
See cancel policy
JetBlue Not available
Southwest 24 hours
by phone
United 24 hours
by phone or online
see cancel policy
US Airways
24 hours
by phone
see customer service policy
Online travel agency
Cancellation within
How to cancel
Expedia 24 hours
by phone
Expedia promise
Orbitz by 10 p.m. CT day after booking
Courtesy cancel
Priceline by 11.30 p.m. ET day of booking
by phone
Exchange guidance
Travelocity 24 hours
by phone
Travelocity guarantee