Q. Hey guys! Love the site, and I really dig the new look, but I wish you guys still listed international fares! Where'd they all go?
A. Thanks for the kind words! And we still have plenty of international fares! We've just changed the way we list them. All fares are listed alphabetically, with domestic and international deals combined into one list. However, you'll notice there's a key at the very tip top of this list, with a D for Domestic, an I for International, a W for Weekend, N for New, and U for Unadvertised Fares that could disappear at anytime. Use this key to filter which type of fares you're interested in by checking off the corresponding box. Want to see those international fares? Just check off the International box. Want to see only the newest international fares we've found today? Check off the New and International boxes and, ta-da! There you go!