Q. Your recent link to the free wi-fi map was helpful, but I find it more of a problem to track down power outlets when I travel. I'm sure they're readily available in the business lounges, but I don't fly business, and still would like very much to recharge my laptop and Blackberry without having to sit in a bar or fast food place out of ear shot of my gate. In this day and age, why aren't outlets included alongside giftshops on airport maps? I need power more than I need a snowglobe of Detroit.
A. We actually had the same trouble at Dallas Ft Worth last week. Concession area plugs seemed to all be in use, and - just as we were considering using the outlets all the way upstairs by the AirTrain, we finally found one, far far from our gate, that we shared with a fellow traveler who complained of the very same thing. The good news, which we learned from our friends at the Middle Seat: There is actually an Airpower Wiki page that lists the locations of power outlets in both domestic and international airports. There's even a Flickr page, for those who need visuals.