Fly nonstop from Oakland to Barcelona for $313 round-trip on LEVEL. If you're looking for a cheap, last minute one-way flight to Europe, you can also fly one-way for $160.

To get this round-trip price, you'll have to book two separate one-way flights. First, book a one-way flight from Oakland to Barcelona for $160. Then, book your return trip from Barcelona to Oakland for $153 separately.

Seen below, we found seats departing Oakland OAK on Wednesday, February 28, returning from Barcelona BCN on Wednesday, March 7. Other dates are available for travel as soon as tomorrow, February 21, through mid-June and in October.

This fare only includes one standard sized carry-on bag plus one personal item. Checked baggage starts at $44 each way.

See our fare details for booking info. For more fares to Spain, check out all of today's finds to Barcelona and Madrid.

Need a room in Barcelona? Here's what's available for the above dates on Hotelwatchdog.

All products and services mentioned on Airfarewatchdog are independently selected by our team of expert travelers. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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