Save on fall/winter flights with the current two-day sale from JetBlue.
This sale is valid for travel from December 5 through December 14, and again from January 11 through February 14.
Additional rules and restrictions will vary by route, so be sure to check our fare details for specifics.
Flights must be booked by November 29.
Fares include:
New York to Burlington $117 round-trip
New York to Daytona Beach $167 round-trip
Fort Lauderdale to Charleston $107 round-trip
Fort Lauderdale to Detroit $97 round-trip
Boston to Washington DC $147 round-trip
Boston to Jacksonville $197 round-trip
Boston to Baltimore $85 round-trip
Boston to New York $97 round-trip
Boston to Houston $97 round-trip
Boston to Charleston $187 round-trip
Boston to New Orleans $147 round-trip
Boston to Savannah $187 round-trip
New York to Aguadilla $220 round-trip
Orlando to Aguadilla $200 round-trip