Save on international travel with the current sale from Emirates.
Travel dates for Newark/Athens and New York/Milan are valid from January 15 through March 26, and again from August 20 through October 8. All other routes are valid for travel from January 15 through May 23, and again from July 14 through October 8. See our fare details for specifics.
Tickets should be booked by 11:59 EST, November 25.
Economy fares include:
Boston to Dubai $646 round-trip, nonstop
Newark to Athens $403 round-trip, nonstop
Ft Lauderdale to Dubai $647 round-trip, nonstop
Washington DC to Dubai $647 round-trip, nonstop
New York to Dubai $647 round-trip, nonstop
New York to Milan $397 round-trip, nonstop
Orlando to Dubai $647 round-trip, nonstop
Dallas to Dubai $647 round-trip, nonstop
Houston to Dubai $647 round-trip, nonstop
Chicago to Dubai $647 round-trip, nonstop
Los Angeles to Dubai $697 round-trip, nonstop
Seattle to Dubai $697 round-trip, nonstop
San Francisco to Dubai $697 round-trip