Save on fall/winter flights to Europe with the latest sale from Air Berlin.
Fares are valid for travel from January 11 through April 10, with some routes available through May. See our fare details for rules and restrictions.
Tickets require a Saturday night minimum stay, with an allowed max stay of 3 months.
All purchases must be made by November 29.
Fares include:
New York to Budapest $397 round-trip
New York to Berlin $498 round-trip
New York to Warsaw $398 round-trip
New York to Krakow $397 round-trip
New York to Florence $496 round-trip
Los Angeles to Rome $519 round-trip
Los Angeles to Munich $518 round-trip
Los Angeles to Hamburg $517 round-trip
San Francisco to Rome $599 round-trip
San Francisco to Venice $599 round-trip
San Francisco to Warsaw $598 round-trip
Orlando to Zurich $596 round-trip
Chicago to Prague $447 round-trip
Chicago to Vienna $448 round-trip
Chicago to Warsaw $428 round-trip
Chicago to Munich $449 round-trip
Boston to Berlin $547 round-trip
Miami to Berlin $476 round-trip
Miami to Cologne $448 round-trip
Miami to Prague $447 round-trip