Save on Late Summer/Fall travel to Florida with the latest sale from Delta.
Fares are valid for travel August 25 through December 15.
Avoid blackout dates: September 1, 2, 5 and 6, November 18-23, and 26-28, and between ATL/DAB October 8-24, between CVG/TPA October 6-11, and between JFK/MCO October 20-24.
Tickets must be booked by 11:59pm, August 19.
Fares include:
Bismark to Tampa $364 round-trip
Cinncinnati to Sarasota $244 round-trip
Detroit to Melbourne $244 round-trip
Detroit to West Palm Beach $227 round-trip, nonstop
Fargo to Ft. Lauderdale $364 round-trip
Indianapolis to Jacksonville $204 round-trip
Los Angeles to Melbourne $324 round-trip
Los Angeles to Sarasota $384 round-trip
Memphis to Tampa $199 round-trip
Milwaukee to Sarasota $244 round-trip
Minneapolis to Tallahassee $244 round-trip
New York City to Tallahassee $244 round-trip
New York City to Jacksonville $244 round-trip
New York City to Sarasota $227 round-trip, nonstop
Philadelpha to Sarasota $244 round-trip
St. Louis to Jacksonville $244 round-trip