Save on flights to Asia with the latest flash sale from Air China.
Fares start at $399 departing from New York, Newark, San Francisco, and San Jose.
Travel is valid from October 16 through March 31. Avoid blackouts on departing flights from December 10 through December 24, and February 1 through February 11, and again on returning flights from January 1 through January 13, and January 20 through January 29.
Tickets must be booked by July 24.
Fares include:
New York to Tokyo $399 round-trip
New York to Seoul $399 round-trip
New York to Hong Kong $406 round-trip
Newark to Tokyo $399 round-trip
Newark to Seoul $399 round-trip
Newark to Hong Kong $406 round-trip
San Francisco to Tokyo $399 round-trip
San Francisco to Seoul $399 round-trip
San Francisco to Taipei $400 round-trip
San Jose to Tokyo $399 round-trip
San Jose to Taipei $400 round-trip