Save on travel to both Las Vegas and Florida with today's 25% promo sale from Frontier.
Fares are valid from January 5 through March 9. For travel to Las Vegas, enter promo code NAUGHTY when booking to apply discount to the base fare. For travel to destinations in Florida, enter promo code NICE when booking to apply discount to the base fare.
Tickets must be booked by 11:59pm ET, December 22.
Fares are nonstop and include:
Atlanta to Miami $116 round-trip
Cleveland to Orlando $131 round-trip
New York to Miami $131 round-trip
Philadelphia to Miami $131 round-trip
Chicago to Orlando $131 round-trip
Milwaukee to Orlando $131 round-trip
Minneapolis to Orlando $116 round-trip
St Louis to Orlando $131 round-trip
Atlanta to Las Vegas $116 round-trip
Cleveland to Las Vegas $161 round-trip
Denver to Miami $161 round-trip
Austin to Las Vegas $131 round-trip
Chicago to Las Vegas $131 round-trip
Houston to Las Vegas $101 round-trip
Cleveland to Las Vegas $161 round-trip
Denver to Tampa $161 round-trip
Las Vegas to Orlando $131 round-trip
Miami to Las Vegas $146 round-trip