Save on flights to Germany and elsewhere in Europe with the current sale from Air Berlin.
Fares are valid for travel from New York, Miami, and Chicago from January 4 through March 27, from Boston and Dallas from May 6 through May 31, and again from August 24 through October 31, and from San Francisco from May 6 through June 15, and again from August 24 through October 31.
Tickets must be booked by December 1.
Fares include:
New York to Budapest $544 round-trip
New York to Cologne $491 round-trip
New York to Dresden $484 round-trip
New York to Dusseldorf $492 round-trip
New York to Hamburg $479 round-trip
New York to Milan $537 round-trip
New York to Munich $492 round-trip
New York to Nuremberg $490 round-trip
New York to Stuttgart $483 round-trip
New York to Vienna $542 round-trip
Miami to Berlin $493 round-trip
Miami to Cologne $491 round-trip
Miami to Dresden $484 round-trip
Miami to Dusseldorf $492 round-trip
Miami to Hamburg $479 round-trip
Miami to Stuttgart $483 round-trip
Miami to Vienna $542 round-trip
Chicago to Cologne $474 round-trip
Chicago to Dusseldorf $482 round-trip
Chicago to Frankfurt $495 round-trip
Chicago to Karlsruhe $471 round-trip
Chicago to Munich $486 round-trip
Chicago to Nuremburg $479 round-trip
Chicago to Stuttgart $477 round-trip
Chicago to Vienna $532 round-trip