Save up to 30% on your next flight with the current promo deal from Norwegian Air.
Just enter promo code BLACKFRIDAY when booking to apply the discount to base fares.
Tickets must be booked by 11:59 PM (EST) today, November 27.
Fares include:
New York City to London $399, round-trip, nonstop
New York City to Copenhagen $278, round-trip, nonstop
New York City to Oslo $272, round-trip, nonstop
New York City to Pointe-A-Pitre $141 round-trip, nonstop
New York City to Fort-De-France $141 round-trip, nonstop
New York City to Stockholm $266 round-trip, nonstop
Baltimore to Pointe-A-Pitre $141 round-trip, nonstop
Baltimore to Fort-De-France $141 round-trip, nonstop
Boston to Pointe-A-Pitre $141 round-trip, nonstop
Boston to Fort-De-France $141, round-trip, nonstop
Los Angeles to Copenhagen $368, round-trip, nonstop
Los Angeles to Oslo $343, round-trip, nonstop
Oakland to Stockholm $277 round-trip, nonstop
Ft. Lauderdale to Copenhagen $393, round-trip, nonstop
Ft. Lauderdale to Oslo $296, round-trip, nonstop
Ft. Lauderdale to Stockholm $468 round-trip, nonstop