The latest 3-day sale from Frontier is valid for nonstop domestic flights on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, for travel from January 16 through May 16.
Avoid blackout dates: February 13, 16; March 6-8, 13-15; 20-22, 27-29; April 2-6, 10-12.
Purchases must be made by 11:59pm ET, January 8.
Fares include:
Atlanta to Trenton $98 round-trip, nonstop
Cincinnati to Ft Lauderdale $98 round-trip, nonstop
Cincinnati to Las Vegas $198 round-trip, nonstop
Chicago to Salt Lake City $138 round-trip, nonstop
Chicago to Trenton $98 round-trip, nonstop
Ft Lauderdale to Washington DC $98 round-trip, nonstop
Ft Lauderdale to St Louis $138 round-trip, nonstop
Denver to Miami $138 round-trip, nonstop
Denver to Los Angeles $98 round-trip, nonstop
Denver to Tampa $138 round-trip, nonstop
Denver to Oklahoma City $78 round-trip, nonstop
Denver to Omaha $74 round-trip, nonstop
Denver to West Palm Beach $138 round-trip, nonstop
Tampa to Washington DC $98 round-trip, nonstop
Cleveland to Denver $98 round-trip, nonstop
Austin to Denver $98 round-trip, nonstop
Orlando to Trenton $138 round-trip, nonstop
Above image via Shutterstock